Liposuction Surgery

Laser Liposuction Surgery To Remove Fat
Ledger liposuction is a modern process of removal from the traditional laser liposuction surgery, under which the excess fat or fat of the body is removed without a special type of laser removal fat.
To be fit, one should rely on food and exercise, but when these methods fail then you can turn to laser liposuction. Laser liposuction releases laser light waves, which stimulate cells that make collagen, tighten the skin and break fat cells as well.
The laser works on the surface layer of the skin so it does not cause any damage to the upper skin or the outer skin as there is no direct light on the upper skin.
If you are continuously resorting to dieting and exercise, but even if the fat is not decreasing then laser liposuction can be done.
Do not do it (Circumstances when Laser Liposuction should be avoided)
If you do not have good elasticity in your skin and if your skin has extra hanging skin, then body lift for you is a better option.
Consequences of Laser Liposuction
In laser liposuction the micro laser light is used to break fat cells. Some experts believe that it is possible to soften the loose skin. It is possible to have light inflammation after laser liposuction, which also occurs in the nature liposuction, but there is a risk of skin burning, though it is rarely occurring.
Risks in Laser Liposuction
In some processes there are few risks, such as infections, bleeding, nerve injections, anethhesia reaction and blood clot are frightened in the surgical procedure, in the same way the chances of these lapses are relatively less in the process. At the same time there is a risk of skin dis con colation and skin burning.
Benefits of Laser Liposuction
Early recovery is compared to conventional liposuction.
There is less risk of bleeding and infection.
The problem of skin tearing without problems is possible.
Do not be afraid of nerve injuries
Mites fat even by tightening the skin.
Steps of Laser Liposuction
There are two techniques to perform this surgery. The first technique has 3 steps-
Technology - 1
Step 1- Laser is used to break fat particles, which also melts the fat hidden in the deep layer. There are also blood vessels which are not possible in surgical techniques.
Step 2- After this, lasers are applied only to heat the inner skin cells, so that more collagen and elasticity increase, so that the skin looks better after treatment.
Step 3- In the last step, additional cells and fats are collected and removed from the skin.
Technology - 2
In this technique, the first 2 steps of technique 1 are used but the collected cell and fat is absorbed in the rest of the body.
Laser liposuction is useful in these parts of the body
the thigh
Mail Breast Excess


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